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2021年11月3日 星期三

The Winner Takes it All 原唱者:ABBA發行年:1980

The Winner Takes it All 原唱者:ABBA發行年:1980

I don't wanna talk about the things we've gone through  (關於我們之間的事,我不想說)

Though it's hurting me Now it's history  (雖然,我很傷心,但是都過去了)

I've played all my cards  (我已黔驢技窮)

And that's what you've done too  (而這也是你的選擇)

Nothing more to say  (沒什麼好說的)

No more ace to play  (結局已定,我無法挽回)

The winner takes it all  (贏家得到一切)

The loser standing small  (輸家就應該消失)

Beside the victory that's her destiny  (這個世界有人贏,有人就該認命)

I was in your arms  (我曾經也窩在你的臂彎裡)

Thinking I belonged there  (當時,我認為你的溫暖的懷抱,是我的歸處)

I figured it made sense  (我以為,這一切會有意義)

Building me a fence  (曾經,你守護我)

Building me a home  (你給我一個家)

Thinking I'd be strong there  (我以為我會在這裡安心成長)

But I was a fool playing by the rules  (但是我很笨,以為只要遵守遊戲規則,我就能得到幸福)

The gods may throw a dice  (一切,大概只是上帝丟骰子的結果)

Their minds as cold as ice  (祂的心冷如冰)

And someone way down here Loses someone dear  (現在,我在這裡失去所愛的人)

The winner takes it all  (勝者得到一切的愛與光榮)

The loser has to fall  (敗者只能投降認輸)

It's simple and it's plain  (事情就是這樣)

Why should I complain.  (我又有什麼好抱怨的呢?)

But tell me does she kiss Like I used to kiss you?  (但是,告訴我,她吻你的時候,你也有一樣的感覺嗎?)

Does it feel the same when she calls your name?  (她叫你名字的時候,你也覺得一樣嗎?)

Somewhere deep inside You must know I miss you  (你的心中一定知道,我很想念你)

But what can I say  (但是,我又有什麼好說的?)

Rules must be obeyed  (遊戲規則已定,大家都要遵守)

The judges will decide  (裁判會決定勝負)

The likes of me abide  (像我這種凡人,也只能接受)

Spectators of the show Always staying low  (所有人,都偷偷地看著我這個失敗者)

The game is on again  (這個遊戲又開始了)

A lover or a friend  (你說我們可以作朋友)

A big thing or a small  (你說我對你很重要,但其實我只是可有可無的一個人)

The winner takes it all  (總之,她贏了,擁有一切)

I don't wanna talk  (我不想說什麼…)

If it makes you feel sad  (如果,你也覺得有點難過)

And I understand  (我懂……)

You've come to shake my hand  (你來握了我的手)


I apologize If it makes you feel bad  (很抱歉,如果我的悲傷讓你覺得內疚)

Seeing me so tense  (你看著我僵硬的微笑)

No self-confidence  (你看著我潰敗的自尊)

But you see  (不過,你看到了……)

The winner takes it all  (這就是勝負,贏家得到全世界)

The winner takes it all... (她贏得了你的愛)



